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"The staff were always outstandingly caring and professional. It has a lovely and friendly welcoming atmosphere

and I believe all the residents are encouraged to meet their full potential" - Daughter in law of resident 

Care is 24/7, with staff residing on the premises. There are call buttons in each bedroom. Our local GP visits weekly.


  • To provide the highest quality personalised care

  • To provide a safe and secure environment

  • To assist residents to face changes and disabilities which may confront them in the future with confidence 

  • To give opportunities to continue with past interests, hobbies, and relationships, and to encourage the development of new ones 

  • To ensure dignity, privacy and are independence are maintained

  • To provide balanced, nutritious and tasty meals, catering for special dietary requirements

  • To ensure that Management and Staff are open and readily on hand 


Our Staff pride themselves on their standard of care. They are visibly rewarded by the relationships that they build with both residents and their families and the compliments that they receive.


We attach great value to having loyal, happy, motivated Staff. We understand the positive impact this has on the well-being of residents and the atmosphere of the home.  Staff are continuously encouraged to pursue further qualifications, and we have several in-house “champions” with specialist knowledge in specific areas of care. 


The home has a close relationship with the local GP, who visits the home for weekly check ups, and makes house calls when necessary. The home works also closely with local district nurses and social workers. On occasions where where an ambulance has had to be called, we find response times in the area to be very good.




 We understand the importance of involving families, both to achieve the best possible well-being of loved ones and to inspire confidence. Being a small Home, the Manager and Deputy can truly have an open door policy and develop relationships with each family. There are also regular individual care plan meetings and Relative meetings. 

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